A summary on of build a blog with next-mdx on logrocket by Elijah Agbonze. Source code on github available here: https://github.com/Elijah-trillionz/pressblog-mdx-nextjs
Why writeFilesync is useful in Node.js and how to use it.
A quick overview of several methods that can be used to incorporate mdx into Next.js sites
This is intended as a quick reference and showcase. For more complete info, see John Gruber's original spec and the Github-flavored Markdown info page.
Some handy git and github commands and code snippets
Increasingly I am using vscode instead of RStudio for a consistent coding experience across languages. Here is how to start a new shiny app.
Some recommendations for setting breakpoints for designing responsive user interfaces. Use 600px, 900px, 1200px, and 1800px if you plan on giving the giant-monitor people something special.
Steps for setting up an R shiny server for spatial apps on AWS
A quick tutorial for making a simple API for an R code base on AWS. Good for separation of concerns (i.e. hide your ugly R code behind a server and make a nice web app with your javascript framework of choice). This post is largely built around a tutorial by Martin Lukac, which has been extended to create a persistent API service. These additional steps involve the linux service manager 'systemd' as suggested by the official plumber documentation.
The simplest way to add analytics to your website
A logic model applied to restoration can help identify indicators that reflect the necessary inputs and activities to achieve the desired outputs, outcomes, and impacts that encompass social, economic, and ecological dimensions.
With the help of the aws.s3 package, you can manage cloud data storage from R with surprisingly little pain.
A wonderful tutorial on how to use React and D3.js together
D3.js is the de facto library for drawing data visualization on the web. In this extensive article, Watternberger talks about every individual D3.js module, and how they factor into your goals.
A gallery of d3 graphics made as React components. The examples move the reactiveness and DOM manipulations of d3 into React at component level, while d3 is used for its vast utility library.
A codesandbox example of how to use the Sanity.io GeoPoint data type to create an interactive map with area selectors.